First Meeting!

Are you tired of playing trivial games? Do you ache for more substance in your board games?

Me too!

So, I am setting aside the first Saturday night of every month at 7:00 pm at my apartment to play a big board game. The first meeting will be October 12th due to a previous commitment on October 5th.

If you are interested in playing a game worthy of your time, then RSVP here:

and submit your game preferences:

The games I am specifically thinking about are:
Scythe, Twilight Imperium (3rd Edition), Diplomacy, Age of Mythology, Power Grid, Puerto Rico, Small World, and Agricola. I also have my eye on Concordia and Chinatown. Let me know if you know of other big games that are worth playing!

I love board games, but I often find it difficult to organize time to play longer or more complex board games. It’s much easier to find interested people to play simpler shorter games, and those games have their time, place, and audience, but they leave something to be desired. I like games that challenge me. I enjoy puzzling my way through many good options to form some sort of coherent long term strategy in an ever changing environment.